AYC Bridge will be on Thursday 19th September, 10th October, 14th November and 3rd December, running 11-12:30.
Contact Amanda Churchill by emailing
amanda.churchill@me.com if you would like to join as it helps her with planning numbers for the tables.
Remember to bring a donation of a £5 for AYC Schools Sailing Trust and BIGKID.
The Galley will be open every Saturday starting sometime in March 2025 until end of October.
There will be a selection of sandwiches and hot lunches and they'll be open 12:00 - 14:30.
Come down to the Club on Saturdays to watch or take part in Saturday racing.
Sunday lunches will be on every Sunday from 1st September until 15th December.
To book, email
galley@aldeburghyc.org.uk and let them know of any dietary requirements when booking.
Please help the galley and book in advance so the caterers can plan quantities.